Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's aliiiiiiiiiiiiive

I have embarked upon a wild adventure.

No, I'm not climbing mountains or traversing cliffs barefooted or scuba-diving in the Marianas Trench.  Think more like wild as in organisms--growing organisms.  I started a sourdough culture!

I have fond memories of my mother experimenting similarly with wild yeast and bacteria in the form of a wide-mouthed quart jar with a hinged lid and strawberries on the sides that smelled funny and contained a thin, watery liquid.  The jar would sit in the back of our fridge for weeks at a time, and then sometimes Mom would pull it out and wake up the starter, then use it to make bread.

Since buying Peter Reinhart's book The Bread Baker's Apprentice, I have taken my whole bread-baking obsession to a new level.  The type of bread with the most patience and time requirements, though, had remained elusive--how to justify taking more than a week to make a loaf of bread when there was physiology and neuroscience to study?  I resolved to wait until this summer to give it a go, with the hopes that once I have my starter made I, too, can keep my own little kitchen chia-pet in the back of the fridge.

Reinhart's method started with whole wheat flour and pineapple juice, and I'm now at the point where I've fed the little bugger for a few days running.  I'm almost at the barm stage now, which is sort of like the leveled-up version of the seed culture and will itself get fed and watered until it's ready to be used in bread-making.

Stay tuned for pictures and updates!  Hopefully I'll get to bake some bread over the long holiday weekend.



Welcome to our blog!

We're med students, but that doesn't mean we don't like to enjoy ourselves once in a while.  Sure, life is hectic.  Sure, we study all the time.  But you still have to eat!

We like to bake, cook, drink fancy drinks, eat good food, and be merry!  If we can make it healthy, bonus points--but if it's a guilty pleasure, that's okay, too (with all those hours in the library, surely we've earned a little something).  Join us for culinary and medical adventures as we learn how to help sick people and learn to cook for ourselves!

Lindsey & Carly